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Would someone PLEASE remove this poll from my ass ? --- J.B. Oxnard, CA

Honorable mentions

Can I pump your iron? --- H.L. Oxnard, CA
What, you’re telling me I forgot to shave my bush? Damn it. --- B.K. Grove City, PA
The new weight training equipment is working VERY WELL!!! --- J.L. Midlothian, VA
The poll up my ass ? It helps me stand upright --- J.B. Oxnard, CA
I have the chest development part down, now for the butt --- J.B. Oxnard, CA
Try the Boob-Builder, In just 30 days you can look like me --- J.B. Oxnard, CA
Wanna jerk my chain? --- M.M. Midlothian, VA

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