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Heidi the Headmeister said with a grin,
"My hills come alive when your foam drips off my chin!"
M.M. Midlothian, VA

Honorable mentions

Jugs and mugs to serve you --- H.L. Oxnard, CA
What's wrong with this beer wench? Look at the head she gave to those beers??? --- J.L. Midlothian, VA
Olga demonstrates how to provide good head --- J.L. Oxnard. CA
My kind of Gal.. She pours your beers and she always gives good head! --- B.C. Sherrells Ford, NC
2 fake milk jugs and 4 real beers C.B.--FL
Hi, my name is Feelmi Bigboobs Welcome to Jugs and Mugs Bar and Grill --- C.H. Gamber, MD

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