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Let's play hide and seek. You count to ten and I'll
--- Oh-Oh --- Ready or not, Here I cum!!!!! --- B.B. Homasassa, FL

Honorable mentions

The alluring Penis Guy Trap plant has been blamed for a rash of missing men lately!! --- A.B. York,PA
That is a perfect example of the perfect ASS!! --- J.L. Midlothian, VA
Now THAT'S a bush! --- J.T. Oxnard, CA
Here's Ginger, Trimming her bush --- J.L. Oxnard, CA
Blonde standing bush-to-bush --- M.M. Midlothian, VA
98 - 99- 100. Ready or not here I come! --- B.C. Sherrells Ford, NC
THE TREE OF LIFE --- B.C. Sherrells Ford, NC

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