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White Russian home mix kit!! --- A.B. York, PA

Honorable mentions

Jerry's new kegerator for his man cave !!!!!! --- B.B. Homasassa, FL
My dream girl! --- M.M. Midlothian, VA
NASCAR has come up with a novel idea to fill the empty seats at their races... Beer Girls! Get your tickets early!! --- B.C. Sherrills Ford, NC
The Real Reason Tapped Beer tastes better --- J.L. Oxnard, CA
The PERFECT woman. Beer, pussy- what could anyone ask for? --- J.L. Midlothian,VA
The Kegorator Jerry REALLY wanted!!! --- H.L. Oxnard, CA
--- J.T. Oxnard, CA
--- B.K. Grove City, PA
--- R.C. Oxnard, CA
--- J.B. Arlington, WA
--- C.H. Gamber, MD
--- R.C. Oxnard, CA
--- B.V. Camarillo, CA
--- Sha8657, Unknown

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