Hold on to your hats...
this bush pilot is taking you for the ride of your life!
--- B.C. Sherrills Ford, NC
Honorable mentions
Is she a real "BUSH" pilot?? --- J.L. Midlothian,VA
i just love the wind in my hair --- C.H. Gamber, MD
To hell with the Mile High Club, let's do it right here !!!!! --- B.B. Homasassa, FL
A true Alaskan "bush" pilot. --- B.K. Grove City, PA
Helo Bush Pilot. --- M.M. Midlothian, VA
--- J.L. Oxnard, CA
--- H.L. Oxnard, CA
--- J.B. Arlington, WA
--- G.B. Santa Barbara, CA
--- A.B. York, PA
--- C.B. Homasassa, FL
--- J.T. Oxnard, CA
--- R.C. Oxnard, CA
--- B.V. Camarillo, CA
--- J.L. Oxnard, CA
--- Sha8657, Unknown
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