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Do I have your attention Now??? --- J.L. Oxnard,CA

Honorable mentions

OUCH!!!! --- J.L. Midlothian,VA

OUCH, don't do that!!! --- H.L. Oxnard, CA

A pinch here and a pull there --- M.M. Midlothian,VA

NO!!! It Is NOT like picking Berries --- J.L. Oxnard,CA

Should I say OUCH, or should I say, PINCH ME HARDER --- B.V. Charleston, TN

Every morning before Stu wakes up,
the wife primes the pump for the forthcoming sucking action --- P.S., Oxnard,CA

--- J.B. Arlington, WA
--- R.B. Homasassa, FL
--- S.S. Oxnard, CA
--- C.B. Homasassa, FL
--- J.T. Ventura, CA
--- D.E. Chattanooga, TN
--- B.K. Grove City, PA
--- A.B. York, PA
--- B.C. Sherrills Ford, NC
--- P.K. Ventura, CA
--- M.G. Hilliards, PA
--- C.H. Gamber, MD
--- R.C. Oxnard, CA
--- B.J Daytona Beach, FL

2011 Name That Photo Archives

2010 Name That Photo Archives

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